Be A Real Man!

The world is in desperate need of Real Men.

Bold, Courageous and strong men

Men of valor, integrity, honesty and character

Real Men, manly men, great men.

Men who change society and the world

Men who make the world a better place

Men who inspire other men to be bold, courageous and strong

Men who inspire others to become heroes

Men who identify as sons of God

Men who pursue holiness

Men who accept God's purpose in life

Men who appreciate that God created differences between men and women

Be a great man, not just any man

Great men take risk, challenge the unknown without safety nets.

Great men demand respect and earn it

Great men live the best versions of themselves

Great men are active and energetic

The world loves great men.

Men who make things happen.

Real Men take the lead

Real Men accept responsibility

Real Men do not run

Real Men take their marching orders from God

Real Men are men of action

Light in darkness

See a need and helps

Passionate about what is right

Do not sit idly and passively

A Real Man champions justice

A Real Man helps the helpless

A Real Man defends the defenseless,

A Real Man stands behinds his lady

A Real Man doesn't say "it is not my problem"

We need Real Men.

Our homes need Real Men

Our churches need Real Men

Our nation and world needs Real Men.

A Real Man accepts responsibility for his actions

Stands by his lady

Supports his lady

Accepts fatherhood

Will not abandon his child

Finds a way

Never says "it's not my problem"

That is your child

Created by God with a soul that lives on in eternity

That child is a part of you and his/her mother

Abortion From a Male Point of View

Learn More From Ben Watson from the Baltimore Ravens

A Real Man accepts fatherhood

Will not abandon his child

Finds a way

A Real Man find resources that are available

Embraces mother and child

Knows that God will provide for the life he fathered.

Man enough to take the lead.

Ben Shapiro

When Does Life Begin!

"The over-riding message of all this research is that the life of a baby begins at conception." Chicago Tribune, September 12, 1977

That child is your child

Created by God with a soul that lives on in eternity!

That child is a part of you and his/her mother.

3 Men Regret Abortion

Dr Anthony Levantino Before Congress About Abortions

The Most Important Questions About Abortion

Take Biblical Manhood Seriously

Must See...

Suicide Risk in Men After Abortion

Amazing Facts the World Needs to Know!

Watch Their Minds Change About Abortion

Children Ask About Abortion

How a Baby is Developed

Few people know that most abortions are unwanted or coerced. Abuse and coercion can escalate to violence or even murder. Homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women, endangering and kill both mother and child. 

Men Who Force Women & Teens Into Unwanted Abortions Need to Know That:

Coercion can escalate to violence

64% of women having abortions were pressured to abort

Homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women

Risk of death for women is 62% higher after an abortion

Most suffer from trauma, injury or death after the abortion

60% said "part of me died" after the abortion

31% suffer from health complications after abortion. That's 1 in 3

65% suffer from symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

65% report Clinical depression after the abortion

Suicide rates are 6 times higher after the abortion

Men are Key to Preventing Abortions

Men who help conceive a baby should support both mother and child emotionally and financially. When they don't, abortion is more likely and women and children pay a deadly price. 

How You Can Help Women, Men and Families Hurt by Abortion

Claire Culwell, Abortion Survivor

My Generation Will End Abortion

Boyfriends and husbands threaten women at abortion mills. A former abortion mill security guard testified before the Massachusetts legislature that women were routinely threatened and abused by boyfriends and husbands who took them to the mills to make sure they had the abortions.

In 95% of cases, men play a central role in the decision to abort according to a survey of women at abortion mills. 83% would have carried their baby to term if they had received support from the baby's father, family or friends.

Dangerous consequences if she resists.

Coercion can escalate to violence and even murder.

Homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women.

The "Forced Abortion in America" report includes examples of women being fired, beaten, shot, stabbed, tortured or killed for refusing to abort.

Men are Involved in Abortion as Follows!

Men encourage or support her to choose abortion

Men pressure her to abort

Men abandon her to make the decision alone

For Additional Insights, See The Following...

Good News!

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy or know someone who is, you are not alone! You can talk, text or chat 24/7 with a caring and compassionate person waiting to assist you. Make the call. We are here for you!

Get Connected

If you or someone you know is pregnant, use the links below to talk through your options.

*Please do not text or chat and drive.

This information is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.